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Call Center vs Contact Center: What’s the Difference?: №1
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Call Center vs Contact Center: What’s the Difference?

May 29, 2023
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In today's fast-paced business environment, effective customer service is crucial for success. To achieve this, organizations often rely on call centers or contact centers. While these terms are often used interchangeably, they have distinct differences that can impact how businesses handle customer interactions.

Explore the differences between call centers and contact centers in our article and discover which approach aligns best with your business needs.

What Is a Call Center?

A call center primarily focuses on handling inbound and outbound voice calls. It serves as a centralized hub where agents are dedicated to answering customer queries, providing assistance, and resolving issues over the phone. 

Call centers are traditionally associated with voice communication, although they may also handle other channels, such as email and live chat.

Key Features of a Call Center

Here are a few key features of a call center. 

  • Customer Interaction: Call centers act as the primary point of contact for customers, providing assistance with inquiries, support, and issue resolution.
  • Agent Expertise: Agents possess product knowledge, communication skills, and problem-solving abilities to provide adequate assistance.
  • Workforce Management: Call centers manage agent schedules to ensure appropriate staffing levels for efficient call handling.
  • Performance Metrics: Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as average handling time and customer satisfaction are used to assess call center performance.
  • Technology Integration: Call centers employ telephony systems, customer relationship management (CRM) software, and call routing tools to streamline operations.
  • Training and Quality Assurance: Continuous training programs and quality monitoring ensure consistent service delivery and agent improvement.
  • Scalability: Call centers are designed to accommodate fluctuating call volumes, enabling organizations to scale their customer service operations.
  • Data Analysis: Call centers gather and analyze data to identify trends, improve processes, and enhance customer experience.

Pros Of a Call Center 

Let's take a look at the advantages of a call center. 

Enhanced Customer Service

Call centers enable businesses to offer round-the-clock customer support, ensuring customers can reach out for assistance anytime.

Improved Customer Satisfaction

Prompt and efficient handling of customer queries and concerns leads to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Call centers provide a cost-effective solution for businesses by consolidating customer support operations into a centralized location, reducing overall expenses.


Call centers allow businesses to quickly scale their operations to accommodate increased call volumes during peak times or periods of high demand.

Specialized Expertise

Call center agents can be trained to possess specialized knowledge in specific areas, ensuring accurate and practical support for customers.

Data Collection and Analysis

Call centers generate a wealth of data, which can be analyzed to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences, helping businesses improve their offerings.

Increased Sales and Revenue

Well-trained call center agents can engage with customers, upsell products or services, and generate additional sales opportunities.

Cons Of a Call Center

Here are the drawbacks of call centers.

High Employee Turnover

The call center industry often faces high turnover rates due to the demanding nature of the job, leading to additional costs for recruitment and training.

Language and Cultural Barriers

In outsourced call centers, language and cultural differences may pose challenges, affecting effective communication with customers.

Potential for Customer Frustration

Long wait times, transfers between agents, and inadequate problem resolution can frustrate customers, negatively impacting their perception of the business.

Security and Privacy Concerns

Call centers to handle sensitive customer information, making them vulnerable to security breaches and privacy concerns if proper safeguards are not in place.

Training and Quality Assurance

Consistent training and quality assurance measures are necessary to ensure that agents have the skills to handle customer inquiries effectively.

Negative Brand Perception

Poorly managed call center operations can result in negative customer experiences, damaging the brand's reputation and customer trust.

Technological Challenges

Call centers heavily rely on technology, and technical issues or system failures can disrupt operations, leading to customer dissatisfaction.

Call Center vs Contact Center: What’s the Difference?: №1

What Is a Contact Center?

A contact center, on the other hand, encompasses a broader range of communication channels beyond just voice calls. 

It integrates multiple channels such as email, chat, social media, SMS, and more, enabling customers to reach out through their preferred method. 

Contact centers aim to provide a seamless and unified customer experience across various touchpoints.

Characteristics of a Contact Center

Let's take a closer look at the features of contact centers.

  • Customer Support: They assist and resolve customer inquiries, issues, and complaints.
  • Efficiency and Productivity: Contact centers aim to optimize resource allocation, streamline processes, and maximize agent productivity.
  • Technology Integration: They leverage tools such as customer relationship management (CRM) systems and call center software for efficient operations.
  • Performance Monitoring: They employ metrics and analytics to measure and enhance agent performance, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency.
  • Omnichannel Experience: Contact centers strive to deliver a seamless customer experience across multiple channels by maintaining consistent information and context.
  • Knowledge Management: They utilize knowledge bases and training programs to equip agents with the necessary information and skills to assist customers effectively.
  • Continuous Improvement: They foster a culture of continuous learning, feedback, and improvement to enhance customer service and overall operations.
  • Data-driven Insights: Contact centers leverage data analytics to gain valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and trends, enabling proactive decision-making. According to a study conducted by McKinsey, companies that incorporate speech analytics can anticipate a minimum 10% enhancement in customer satisfaction scores, along with increased sales and cost savings ranging from 20 to 30%.

Overall, contact centers play a vital role in managing customer interactions and providing good support across various channels.

Pros Of a Contact Center

Here are a few benefits of a contact center.

Improved Customer Service

Contact centers enable businesses to deliver exceptional customer service by providing timely and efficient support, addressing customer concerns, and offering personalized assistance to enhance satisfaction.

Enhanced Accessibility

With contact centers, customers can easily reach out for assistance through various channels, such as phone, email, chat, or social media. This accessibility improves customer convenience and fosters a positive customer experience.

Increased Efficiency

Contact centers streamline communication processes, ensuring swift issue resolution by leveraging technology and automation, reducing response times, and improving operational efficiency.

Cost Savings

By centralizing customer interactions, contact centers optimize resource allocation and reduce overhead costs. You can consolidate staff and technology, achieving economies of scale and cost savings in the long run.

Data and Analytics

Contact centers generate valuable data on customer interactions, which can be analyzed to gain insights and drive business decisions. This data provides valuable feedback on customer preferences, pain points, and overall satisfaction.


Contact centers offer scalability, allowing businesses to efficiently adapt to fluctuating customer demands by quickly scaling up or down operations, ensuring optimal staffing levels.

Multilingual Support

Contact centers enable businesses to provide support in multiple languages, catering to diverse customer bases. This ensures effective communication and fosters customer loyalty among international clients.

Cons Of a Contact Center

The contact centers have certain disadvantages.

High Initial Setup Costs

Establishing a contact center requires significant upfront investment in infrastructure, technology, and staff training. These costs can pose a financial burden, especially for small or startup businesses.

Staffing and Training Challenges

Recruiting and retaining skilled agents can be challenging, as contact center work often involves high-pressure situations and demanding customer interactions. Training agents to handle various scenarios effectively requires time and resources.

Language and Cultural Barriers

If your business operates globally, language and cultural barriers can arise when interacting with customers from different regions. Finding agents proficient in multiple languages and well-versed in various cultural norms can be a complex task.

Technical Issues and Downtime

Contact centers heavily rely on technology, and technical glitches or system failures can disrupt operations, leading to downtime and potential loss of customer trust. Maintaining a robust IT infrastructure is crucial to minimize such risks.

Potential for Customer Frustration

Despite efforts to provide excellent service, customers may still encounter long wait times, repeated transfers, or inadequate resolutions. These frustrations can harm the customer experience and impact overall satisfaction.

Lack of Personalization

While contact centers strive to provide personalized service, the volume of interactions can make it challenging to deliver tailored experiences for each customer. Automated processes and scripts may sometimes limit the personal touch.

Negative Customer Perception

Some customers may have a negative perception of contact centers due to past experiences with impersonal or ineffective support. Building trust and overcoming this bias requires consistent delivery of exceptional service.

Call Center vs Contact Center: What’s the Difference?: №1

Difference Between a Call center and a Contact Center

Let's explore the key differences between the two.

Communication Channels

Call centers mainly rely on phone calls as the primary mode of communication. Agents handle customer interactions, inquiries, and problem resolution solely through telephone conversations.

In contrast, contact centers offer multiple communication channels to engage with customers. They facilitate interactions through phone calls, emails, live chat on websites, social media platforms, and even video calls, giving customers the flexibility to choose their preferred contact method.

Multichannel vs. Omnichannel Approach

Call centers generally operate multichannel, where each communication channel is managed separately. Agents handle customer interactions on the designated track, but channels have limited integration.

This can result in fragmented customer experiences and a lack of seamless information transfer.

In contrast, contact centers adopt an omnichannel approach, which focuses on providing a consistent and integrated customer experience across all channels.

Agents can access a unified view of customer interactions, regardless of the channel used, allowing them to provide personalized and contextually relevant support.

With 38% of consumers expecting agents to possess a comprehensive understanding of their inquiries, seamless omnichannel experiences are growing in importance for ensuring customer satisfaction in the future.

Customer Experience

Call centers prioritize efficiency and quick issue resolution through phone conversations. Agents aim to resolve customer queries promptly and effectively within the constraints of phone-based communication.

Contact centers, however, emphasize enhancing the overall customer experience. By leveraging multiple communication channels, they provide customers with a more convenient and personalized support experience.

Customers can choose the most appropriate channel for their needs and receive consistent assistance across all touchpoints.

Skills and Training

In call centers, agents require excellent telephone etiquette, active listening skills, and efficient problem-solving abilities. They undergo specific training to handle phone calls effectively, manage customer emotions, and resolve issues promptly.

In contact centers, agents must possess versatile communication skills across various channels. They must be proficient in written communication for email and chat interactions, while also being able to adapt their tone and style based on the track being used.

Training programs encompass a broader range of skills to meet the demands of multiple communication channels.

Technology Integration

Call centers primarily rely on telephony systems and call management software to handle and route incoming calls efficiently. These systems often include features like call queuing, call recording, and interactive voice response (IVR) menus.

Contact centers, in addition to telephony systems, leverage advanced customer relationship management (CRM) software and contact center solutions. These platforms integrate multiple communication channels, allowing agents to access customer information across channels and deliver a seamless experience.

They also provide analytics and reporting capabilities to monitor and optimize customer interactions.

Proactive Customer Engagement

Call centers are predominantly reactive, responding to incoming customer calls and addressing their concerns. They primarily focus on resolving issues after customers initiate contact.

Contact centers, on the other hand, adopt a proactive approach to customer engagement. They use various channels, such as email campaigns, social media monitoring, and live chat invitations, to initiate customer conversations.

This approach allows for building stronger relationships, addressing potential issues before they arise, and delivering personalized assistance.

Which One Should You Choose?

Choosing a call center or a contact center depends on your business requirements, customer base, and long-term goals.

If your organization focuses mainly on phone-based interactions and manages a substantial call volume, a call center would be appropriate.

Conversely, a contact center would be the optimal choice if your goal is to deliver a comprehensive and contemporary customer experience across various channels.


It is essential for businesses aiming to optimize their customer support operations to clearly understand the distinction between call centers and contact centers. Call centers primarily focus on managing phone calls, whereas contact centers extend their support services across various channels, including phone, email, live chat, and social media.

At Simply Contact, we offer the advantages of a comprehensive contact center solution. Our team is equipped to handle not only phone calls but also a wide range of communication channels such as email, live chat, social media, and more. With our advanced technology and skilled agents, we can provide a seamless and efficient customer experience across multiple platforms.

Contact us to discuss your specific business needs and discover how our contact center services can enhance your customer support operations and drive greater satisfaction among your customers.

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