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Best Customer Service Quotes: №1
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Best Customer Service Quotes

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Any company strives to become a leader in its niche. One of the most important components of the path to success is the level of customer service.

Best Customer Service Quotes: №1

Why High Level of Customer Service Is Important?

You may have noticed that today many business owners are focusing on interaction with customers. This happens for the simple reason that this experience, unlike goods, can be made unique and personalized much easier.

Thus, the culture of service is no longer just the courtesy and goodwill of sellers and consultants, it is something more fundamental and complex. How to understand what principles should you rely on when developing your own set of rules for customer service?

We suggest learning from and getting inspired by masters of the business. Below you can discover ten customer experience quotes from world-renowned personalities - entrepreneurs, business experts, academics - that will allow you to better formulate the values of your company related to customer service.

Ten Best Quotes from Famous People to Help You Succeed in Business

Let us review the ten famous customer service quotes, that may completely change your vision of the “right” customer interaction and motivate you to reach new heights (in particular, increase your customers' satisfaction).

  • “I think if you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long.”Steve Jobs, Apple.

Our list of inspiring customer service quotes is opened by one of the most amazing businessmen in history - Steve Jobs. Agree that sometimes some companies, having reached certain peaks (such as taking a stable position as a niche leader in the region), stop at what has been accomplished and put less and less effort into becoming more useful and convenient for their clients.

They expand the product range, raise prices (because new advertising campaigns require much more substantial investments), and make rebranding, but customer service remains at the same level and sometimes even deteriorates.

For example, the amount of customers is growing but the company doesn’t try to think of new, more efficient schemes for the delivery and purchase of packaging.

This is the wrong strategy, which sooner or later will lead to a loss of customer confidence. Probably, it was precisely in the pursuit of new achievements that Steve Jobs managed to build a company that still has no equal in the world (let's be frank: 9 out of 10 representatives of the Y and Z generations want to own at least one of coveted MacBooks and iPhones).

  • “Simply put: we don’t build services to make money; we make money to build better services.” - Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook.

Another IT tycoon states that in the modern world, one must strive to work not for the sake of money, but to make life easier for people. We believe that this is exactly why Mark became the youngest billionaire in history.

Now ask yourself: do you and your employees squeeze the most out to be useful to your customers? Will you get them an elephant if you specialize in selling giraffes?

Think about how to bring this allegory to life and see that customers come back to you again and again.

  • "A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.” - Jeff Bezos, Amazon.

The richest person in the world - the owner of Amazon - insists not only on making life easier for his customers but on doing it well (in the context of any company with a certain niche - to do it better than others).

Do you ship goods faster than other companies?

Do you use the best tomatoes for lasagna?

After all, are your employees more polite with customers than your competitors?

In general, you must do everything so that your company’s name becomes widely accepted and directly associated with the services or goods you deal in (as, for example, happened with Polaroid and Xerox companies).

Best Customer Service Quotes: №2
  • "Customer service shouldn't just be a department, it should be the entire company." - Tony Hsieh, Zappos.

When the level of customer service is formed by all departments of the company adhering to certain policies, this provides the most fault-tolerant scheme for creating a positive public opinion. In this case, even if one of the employees of one department makes an oversight, it is compensated by the impression of the quality work of other departments.

  • “Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends.” - Walt Disney.

Have you tried at least once to put yourself in the client's place, to realize what exactly they get delighted from, what would inspire them to tell friends and acquaintances, and share their positive impressions on social networks?

Surely such emotional reactions add value to the described product in the eyes of potential buyers. Think carefully about what this may be in the context of your business niche - the correct answer to this question will allow gaining trust from customers.

  • “Quality in a service or product is not what you put into it. It is what the customer gets out of it.”Peter Drucker.

Let us immediately consider a vivid example. There is such a streetwear brand as Stussy. Initially, its founder, Shawn Stussy, was engaged in the manufacturing and sale of surfboards for professional surfers.

At some point, he decided to expand his production. He asked visitors to his store what other products they would like to see sold. This led him to start making clothing for representatives of the R’n’B subculture. Well-known rappers began to wear his goods, and today new collections of this brand are swept off the shelves much faster than surfboards still produced by Shawn.

Why did it happen?

Only an experienced surfer can get a lot of value from a high-quality, ergonomic, and aerodynamic board made of rare tree species. There are not much of such expert sportsmen, a board is usually bought for several seasons if not a decade, and can cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars. A knitted T-shirt, the cost of which is fifty dollars, one can wear enjoyably every day. Learn from Stussi and his customer focus - give people what they want.

  • “You’ll never have a product or price advantage again. They can be too easily duplicated. But a strong customer service culture cannot be copied.”Jerry Fritz.

People are social animals. Shift the focus from constantly improving your products to improving the quality of your service. You can buy baby buckets, the cheapest glass polish, but at the same time invite girls that look like Victoria's Secret models to work in your car wash, and this will impress customers more than an automated car wash outfitted by the top Karcher equipment.

  • “Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.” - Blaise Pascal.

All your employees should keep in mind the “customer is always right” axiom. Therefore - never save on special conflict-solving training for your salespeople. This will help keep your employees in balance and your company image positive even in situations with really hot-tempered clients.

  • “You can buy a person's time; you can buy their physical presence at a given place; you can even buy a measured number of their skilled muscular motions per hour. But you cannot buy enthusiasm... You cannot buy loyalty... You cannot buy the devotion of hearts, minds, or souls. You must earn these.” - Clarence Francis.

Many company owners, having gained experience in sales, begin to mistakenly assume that they “know people too well” and are now able to “read” them. This belief is followed, as a rule, by a decline in the quality of services or goods, while prices are maintained or even raised.

A special case of this template is decreasing the efficiency of cosmetic procedures due to the reduction of the active ingredients contained in the products used, presented to uninformed customers under the name of “improved formula”. As practice shows, any consumer, even those who know little about chemistry, will sooner or later come to the conclusion that the service no longer works for them as it did before. And choose another service from a different company.

Pursuing the goal to sell at least something, sellers lose their own usefulness in the eyes of the buyer. Just imagine: you come to the store for a suit and the shop assistant brings you, models, from last season that nobody bought but they must be sold nevertheless. The seller may even be able to convince you that “this orange-gray speckled jacket blends in perfectly with your gray hair,” but when you come home, you still see that the purchase hasn’t completely settled with you.

Would you return to this store again? The answer is most likely unequivocal.

Wrapping Up

Best Customer Service Quotes: №3

We hope that these best customer service quotes from famous people recognized for their business achievements will help you formulate a unique win-win strategy to improve customer service in your company. It is also possible that someone’s success story will inspire you and you decide to follow in the footsteps of your idol.

Anyway, if you are already reading our great customer service quotes, it means that you have the desire to give your customers something more than they get from you now. So, you and your team have chosen the right path.

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