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Augmented customer service: №1

Augmented Customer Service

Revolutionize your customer support with our AI-driven outsourcing solutions. Experience seamless omnichannel support in multiple languages, optimized by cutting-edge AI to deliver faster, personalized responses. Transform your customer service into a powerhouse of efficiency and empathy, ensuring satisfaction and cost savings.

Talk to expert
Replace traditional roles with advanced AI solutions
Achieve enhanced personalization in customer support
Scale operations while increasing quality of service

Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Customer Service

Positive customer service experience is a key to brand loyalty and increased purchases. Yet, traditional service often falls short of today’s expectations. Within augmented customer service, we leverage AI to transform traditional support, turning every interaction into a personalized experience that boosts brand loyalty and customer satisfaction.

AI Customer Service Solutions We Offer

We believe in customization over generalization. Our approach involves selecting AI customer service solutions that align specifically with the characteristics of each project. By understanding your unique needs and objectives, we ensure the AI not only fits perfectly but also enhances your customer service effectively.

Augmented customer service: №1

Chatbots support multiple languages, recognize user intent, and can convert speech, all connectable through API for integration across various platforms. They are fully customizable with features including visual bot-building interfaces, flexible conversational flows, no-code development options, analytics, live support capabilities, and AI-driven training modules for teams.

Augmented customer service: №1

AI voicebot recognizes commands accurately, detects user intentions, and supports multiple languages. It integrates smoothly with systems via API and includes features such as secure user authentication, intelligent call routing, and direct CRM linkage for customized interactions. Additional functionalities include speech-to-text conversion, DTMF tone recognition, and customizable JavaScript workflows.

Augmented customer service: №1
AI translator

This solution supports key European languages and offers reliable, high-accuracy translations, facilitating smoother communication across language barriers. It integrates effortlessly with existing systems and includes native correction tools to refine output. The AI Translator is designed to simplify multilingual interactions, providing high efficiency and accuracy while considerably reducing customer support costs, especially for rare languages.

Augmented customer service: №1
Quality control automation platforms

Our AI-driven quality control automation platforms are integrated via API and conduct thorough quality evaluations across all service requests, incorporating advanced customer satisfaction metrics and voice analysis features. Customization options include tailored forms and automated alerts, alongside reporting tools for ongoing performance optimization. This solution is ideal for enhancing service quality and operational efficiency.

Augmented customer service: №1
Customer feedback analysis

Utilizing the latest AI models, our customer feedback analysis tool automatically processes client feedback, extracting valuable insights through automated tagging and keyword generation. It provides comprehensive metrics such as average scores, satisfaction rates, and detailed sentiment analysis. Integrated tools for dynamic insight generation help tailor approaches to maximize customer satisfaction efficiently.

Augmented customer service: №1
Simulation training program

This program is designed for rapid proficiency gains in new customer service agents. It focuses on reducing response times and increasing productivity through structured mentorship and practical simulation exercises. The program covers language development and essential soft skills. The training is adaptable, allowing agents to personalize their learning paths and reduce operational errors effectively.

Augmented customer service: №1
Self-help solutions

Our AI-based self-help solutions are API-integrated and feature multilingual support and cross-channel functionality, enriched with sophisticated analytics. They offer personalized search enhancements, predictive autocomplete functions, and intuitive conversational interfaces. Our tools use machine learning to improve the relevance and presentation of product recommendations and to analyze user behavior.

Augmented customer service: №1
Knowledgebase AI

Our knowledgebase AI is integrated directly into Slack. It provides a unified platform for managing FAQs and documents, enhanced with semantic search capabilities and an automated assistant to streamline workflows. The system supports customizable templates and collaborative editing, accessible across various devices, facilitating efficient information sharing and management without complex setup requirements.

Augmented customer service: №1 Augmented customer service: №1 Augmented customer service: №1
Want to discover how to implement AI for customer service in your company?

Talk to our expert and learn how we can help to transform your business today.

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Implement Artificial Intelligence for Customer Service In Case...

You face a high volume of requests but can't expand your team
You face a high volume of requests but can't expand your team

Augmented customer service: №1
You require non-stop support without the expense of full staffing

You're entering new markets, unsure of expected request volumes
You're entering new markets, unsure of expected request volumes

Augmented customer service: №1
You encounter basic queries best handled by robots

Augmented customer service: №1
You aim to serve globally without a multilingual support team

You wish to lighten your team's load from repetitive tasks
You wish to lighten your team's load from repetitive tasks

Augmented customer service: №1
You are aiming to diversify your service

Augmented customer service: №1
You want to add customer support for rare languages

Augmented customer service: №1
Your number of queries in rare languages is low/variable

Our AI Customer Support Implementation Process

Implementing augmented customer support is a journey towards leveraging cutting-edge technology to elevate service standards and operational efficiency. Here’s a quick look at the strategic steps we undertake to boost your customer support with AI.

  • Start
  • 6-8 weeks
Identification of needs and AI technology selection
Negotiation and contracting
AI integration planning and data preparation
Solution integration and testing
AI training and pilot period
Launch and deployment
Continuous evaluation and optimization
Identification of needs and AI technology selection
AI integration planning and data preparation
AI training and pilot period
Continuous evaluation and optimization
Negotiation and contracting
Solution integration and testing
Launch and deployment

Benefits You Get from AI-powered Customer Service

Enhanced value proposition

Transform your customer interactions into opportunities that enhance both client satisfaction and your brand's prestige.

Empowering your team

Provide your agents with advanced tools and resources to elevate their service delivery and job satisfaction.

Operational assistance

Support and streamline your customer service processes to ensure seamless, efficient daily operations.

Service strategy transformation

Shift your customer service from traditional cost containment to an innovative, results-driven engine propelling business growth.

Continuous improvement cycle

Regularly assess and refine your customer service tactics to align with evolving business goals and market demands.

Our Case Study

On one of our projects, the voicebot was planned to handle frequent customer questions without agent involvement. First off, the customer talks to the bot that has a natural voice. The bot understands the request by keywords. If the request matches a bot script, the bot provides information to the client. If the request doesn’t match a bot script, the bot is switching a customer to a real person, an agent. The agents can help customers even if they don’t speak their language using instant voice-to-voice (speech-to-speech) translation.

80% ➡️ 100%

Percentage of calls handled within 30 seconds

30% ➡️ 0%

Abandonment rate

Augmented customer service: №1 Augmented customer service: №1 Augmented customer service: №1 Augmented customer service: №1

Leverage the Power of Augmented Customer Support

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